Stefanie Seibold & Teresa María Díaz Nerio
Travesti de Sangre*
Stefanie Seibold works with performances, videos, collages, sound and video installations, which show her specific interest in gestures and signs constituting sexual and gender identity. In her artworks, she often engages in the re-contextualization of (historical) images, texts and quotes. She also teaches at Akademie im Ordinariat für Performative Kunst und Bildhauerei. Teresa María Díaz Nerio works with language and text, performance and video. The two artists have been working together creating installations and performances. One central “interest aims at building spaces that question strategies of visibility as well as defer fixed areas of meaning in order to develop and provide new narrative structures.” (Peggy Buth)
The Performance is dealing with the Image of the wound in relation to Gina Pane´s Performance-Work. It re-contextualises and repeats in part the excessive attention to Pane´s most famous feature, the cuts to her own body. The performance is connected to the installation matt und schlapp wie schnee, which focusses especially on Pane´s lesser known other conceptual practices and poetic inventions.
*Spanish version of a title of an artwork by Michel Journiac, a contemporary of Pane in Paris in the 1970s.
Issue date
To be seen in
Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 7 October 2011, 7.30 pm