Corpus Deleicti
Lavadero Público
Corpus Deleicti is a group of the Catalan women artists Patricia Fuentes, Desiré Rodrigo and Judit Vidiella. All three studied in Barcelona: Fuentes theatre and dance, Rodrigo sociology, and Vidiella art and performance. Their investigations into gender issues focus on the connections between technology and economic interests (Genderlab_Protopoesía_01, 2004). For their project Support Local Porn (2008), which is concerned with the economic rationale behind sex tourism, they designed a fictive budget travel agency called Porno Jet. JE
This video documents a workshop that ends with a performance. It shows Corpus Deleicti together with a group of women from the Catalan town of Caldes de Montbui at a public laundrette, where women used to wash clothes and talk about personal and social issues. In the workshop’s three sessions, they wash a pile
of clothes by hand while rehearsing a choreographed dance, which they finally publically perform as a video performance. The work belongs to the tradition of the American consciousness raising groups of the 1970s and thus aims at a conscious investigation of personal and workplace relationships.
Performance: 12 September 2009, 2nd Muestra Internacional de Arte Urbano, Caldes de Montbui, duration: 19 hours
Courtesy Corpus Deleicti